Tuesday Morning Stroll

 It is a lovely morning this morning, dry, warm and calm and the sun is trying to come out. Just right for a nice walk. Of course I took my camera with me!
 We have a few golf courses in our town - in fact the Open Golf Championship is played here (I think every 7th year). I have occasionally toyed with the idea of taking golf up but have successfully managed to talk myself out of it again lol. I think I like the idea of golf better than actually playing it.

Just a few shots of the golf course, it was quite quiet and not many golfers out today or dog walkers for that matter - you usually see a few out walking their dogs. Made it a bit easier for me to take my pictures.

One of the many bushes on our golf courses is the gorse bush.  This is a picture of a gorse bush it has lovely yellow flowers - the picture below is a close up of the little flower. When it is in full bloom it is a sea of yellow. Very pretty. 

Another very pretty shrub we have is the heather. I didn't see too many heather patches but this was one.

Hope you enjoyed your little stroll with me :)


Roan said…
What a beautiful place for a walk. Love those yellow flowers and the heather is beautiful. Thanks for taking me along.
Jill said…
Another lovely walk with you! Thanks for sharing it.
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful blooming shrubs. i don't have the patience for golf. technique schmecknique... :)
Sheila said…
I enjoyed my little stroll , the yellow flowers are so pretty as is the heather.
Karen said…
I did enjoy the stroll. Lovely blooms! Golf...never been interested in it.
Glad you enjoyed your lovely walk Ellie.

I love the gorse bush, really pretty but prickly flowers

Rose said…
Had no idea what these flowers looked like...they are both quite lovely. I pictured heather as being pretty but did not think the gorse bushes would have such an attractive flower.
Annabella said…
Yes I did enjoy the walk Ellie, and thanks for the book recommendation. I downloaded last night and I`m enjoying it.
Bev said…
Thanks for the walk- great to see new places!
Kerri Farley said…
A Lovely stroll! I always think golf courses are super for that .... and for golf :)
Lisa Gordon said…
I love that beautiful little yellow flower Ellie!
That was a nice stroll. Thank you for sharing the pretty flowers.
Debbie said…
wonderful, i really enjoyed this!!
Laura lok said…
golf courses and cemetaries always great places to find something to photogrpha. love the photo of the yellow flowers.
Pat MacKenzie said…
I've read books with references to gorse but never knew what it looked like - very pretty. My mother went to Scotland 18 years ago on a tour. The bus drove by a field of heather and Mum asked the bus driver to stop so she could pick a sprig of it. She brought it home so my oldest daughter could put it in her bridal bouquet for good luck on her wedding day. I think Jenny still has it among her treasures.
Unknown said…
You live in such a beautiful place!
Reena said…
I'm with you, love the IDEA of it vs. actually doing it. We have a course right across the road from us ... always collecting golf balls in our yard.
Lasse said…
You should absolutely try golf! It is a great sport. I don´t play so often, but when I do I enjoy. Thanks for the stroll!