Remember Me?

Ok it's been over a year since my last post. I know, shocking right?  Life sometimes is in the habit of getting in the way.
It's not that I've totally ignored the blogging community 'cause I've dipped in every so often, read some blogs, thought about writing a blog lots of times but just not got round to it.
So here I am trying my hand at it once again.

What finally got me really interested again is the fact that my youngest daughter Emma has started up her own blog and she's enjoying it so much that she has me feeling enthusiastic about it again. Yay good for you Emma! If you fancy a having a peek at her fresh outlook on life please take a look at Emma's blog merrymaid . She's is very proud of it, and rightly so. đŸ˜ƒ.

So what have I been up to for the last year? Well when I think about it not a huge amount.

We have had a difficult year as my dad's not been too well and it's always very hard to see someone you love struggle. But we are getting there, got to keep a positive outlook on things.
I've tried my hand (and body) at yoga and have been going for about a year and a half, however I fancied a wee change, stopped going to yoga and joined Curves which is a 30 minute fitness/exercise plan.  My first session was today and I enjoyed it. The only thing I don't like is the the hot sweaty feeling at the end but the trainer tells me that it's a good thing. I am planning on going 3 times a week and we will see how that goes. 

The reason for wanting to get fitter and slimmer is that we have a fab holiday planned at the end of summer. Hubby and I are heading to the States and taking in the delights of  San Francisco, Napa Valley, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Vegas, Joshua Park and Los Angeles. We are sooo looking forward to it. We might need a wee holiday when we come back though to recover from all that travelling!

I always liked to put a pic up when I do a blog so here is one I took the other day while out for a walk.
Aren't the blossoms lovely just now?

Anyway I think I've rattled on for long enough this morning.
I'll be back though đŸ˜‰


Kay G. said…
Why, hello there! Lovely to see you!
On your trip out West, could you stop off in Georgia and pick me up and take me with you? Thank you!!
doodles n daydreams said…
Oh, hello Ellie. Nice to see back on. I too could join you on that trip, if only. Happy curving :)

Rose said…
Oh, Ellie, it is good to see a post from you...I still check your blog at least 3 or 4 times a week...I do hope you can get back to blogging.

Are you sure you have the URL right for Emma's blog?
Sush said…
Hi sweet friend. I too have been off blogging and so happy I clicked in to see your return! Wish I lived on the west coast so you could stop in for a visit. Enjoy the west coast and so glad to see you back blogging. I don't know when I will be back. I've had triple spinal fusion and still working hard on my recovery.
When I do officially return I will definitely sign up for your daughter's blog.
Hugs and Love...Sush

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