Snowdrops in August!
Now, you're probably thinking she didn't take these recently, and you'd be right. I took these in the Spring. Snowdrops, don't you just love them? These were taken in place called Fullarton Woods which is in our town. I really like to take pictures here, there are lots of lovely trees and usually some kind of wild flowers.If you click on the pictures they enlarge - I just found that out.
Well, I was back at work today. It feels as if I was never on holiday - amazing how quickly that happens!
It's August 1st today. Don't know where the time is going. August is always a very expensive month for us, I've got 6 birthdays in the space of 10 days and Emma is going to need a new school uniform. Emma is also awaiting exam results from school - nervously. They should come through this thursday. Watch this space!
Hope you have a great birthday!!