Concrete Jungle

 These are most definitely not the prettiest pictures I've every posted but I thought I'd put them up anyway :))

These were taken yesterday when Dan and I were in Glasgow.  
We were underneath the Kingston Bridge. Dan had parked the car and left me there while he went to pick up something for his woodwork.
Not the nicest car park I've ever been in(he takes me to the most romantic places, NOT) lol.  

I quite liked how all the pillars go off into the distance - it appealed the the novice photographer in me :) 
What I didn't like was the noise of the traffic up above me on the bridge. They must have been going over a ramp or something -bdump bdump was the noise it was making - and it was very busy.  
A bit unnerving let me tell you.
That I'm afraid was about the most exciting thing about my weekend - apart from the tennis of course :)


TexWisGirl said…
i do like the perspective in the top shot. :)
Jeanne said…
Neat angle that you took that at. looks as if Glasgow is a pretty big city. Have never been there.
Jill said…
It's a great perspective and a perfect title for your post. :)
Oh Ellie I love that top shot:) B
Lisa Gordon said…
I love the graphic quality of these, Ellie, especially the first one. Really neat perspective!
I like these photos. Something about the pillars, they look cool the way you took the shots.
Paul said…
It must have been unnerving with all that traffic above your head!
Hope your husband picked up whatever it was he needed for his woodwork.

Don't like the sound of traffic either Ellie.

Enjoy your day,
don't work too hard!

Fiona x

ps 9.45am and no rain 'yet'
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Ellie,
Oh you are no novice photographer!!!
Your pics describe well about the pillars☆☆☆
I can guess how you must have felt because we have lots of these underneath Bridge place in Japan.
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Rose said…
The pillars look massive...and I guess they need to be to hold the traffic above.
Lisa said…
I like them! Granted, they're not absolutely stunning like your nature photos - but they have a simple beauty of their own. And I think it's important to find the beauty where ever you may be!
Nancy said…
The city can be a scary place at times! :)
Joyful said…
Good photos. You made me laugh with your comment about your husband taking you to romantic places.

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