Hustle and Bustle
Not a lot happening around here at the moment - just the usual hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush.
Can you believe that Christmas day is just two weeks away.
Just where did this year go - it hardly seems any time at all since January!!!
I was thinking there is definitely not much new growth in plants at the moment (well it is winter after all) but just look at Karen's plant (which I can't for the life of me remember what is called). It has quite a few of these tiny wee leaves sprouting.
Well all of my Christmas shopping is done - yeah I can hardly believe I typed those words either.
I can't remember the last time I was so organised. I still have to wrap and write Christmas cards but I'll get around to that this weekend.
I am so glad my shopping is out of the way as I really can't stand the busy shops at this time of year. The only big shopping to do now is the grocery shopping - another job that I really don't like doing.
Oh dear I'd better watch or I will be saying bah humbug shortly, lol.
I do not like to do shopping. My husband is doing it, and I'm writing on a sheet of what to buy. Yours.
karens plant looks pretty. my orchid is still blooming and i have another getting ready to bloom. i don't remember the name of it either ;)))
BUT all my Christmas cards were mailed several days ago.
The year has gone by quickly, hasn't it?
It's so nice to keep away from all the madness that seems to happen at this time of year!
Thank you for popping into my place, Ellie. Have a great week!
Beautiful green plant♡♡♡
Oh, Christmas shopping must be really important. Happy for you that you have finished them. For us Japanese, New Year preparation is kind of more important and I am really behind for it(^^;)
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*