
Since I mentioned in my last post that Danny had picked up some driftwood from the beach I thought I'd take a couple of pictures to show what they are like.

Hopefully they will dry out nicely and not be full of rot in the middle!!!
They do look quite nice with a nice grain running through them.
Do you see the black lines in the top of the first one? That means it is spalted. 
Spalting is caused by fungus in the wood and you have to be careful and use a mask when working on it as it can cause lung irritation- quite scary eh!!
Are you impressed with my growing knowledge of woodwork and it's terms - I know I am!!! :))

In other news today - I have had the most awful toothache today.   I think I have a wee hole in one of my back teeth. 
 That can only mean one thing - a visit to the dreaded dentist.  
Oh no!!!!  
But needs must - I cannot stand this toothache :(

Anyway that's enough moaning from me I think!!! 

Has anybody got anything exciting happening this week. I don't but we will wait and see what the new week brings with it. 

Have a great week everyone!!! :))


TexWisGirl said…
much bigger pieces than i had imagined. i was thinking limbs. he's got trunks!
Anonymous said…
Lovely wood - I had no idea it could make you sick!! Hope your tooth feels better and your visit to the dentist goes as well as can be expected!!
mary x
Jill said…
Those are great pieces!

So sorry about your tooth, Ellie. Good luck getting into the dentist.
Giga said…
Mam nadzieje, że ząb już przestał boleć. Pozdrawiam.
I hope that the tooth has stopped aching. Yours.
Kerri Farley said…
Oh I would love to see what he does with these! So sorry about your tooth!
I'm looking forward to seeing what Danny makes, and I was also thinking of smaller pieces of driftwood.
Hope you're feeling better soon, toothache is a horrible thing.

Karen said…
Interesting wood! Can't wait to see what makes with it.
Good luck at the dentist!
The drift wood is really lovely. I just went to the dentist last week. Going to the dentist is not one of the fun things in life. I hope the dentist fixed your tooth and you feel better.
Sandra said…
Driftwood is so interesting and I've recently been to a driftwood exhibition of statues. It was quite amazing.
You certainly have to know about wood fungus which can be dangerous and take the necessary precautions.
Some years ago a friend and me carted a great lump of driftwood back from Arran to Dumfriesshire. One day while it was sitting by the fireside a pair of legs appeared from a crack in the wood and an enormous insect commenced to haul itself out - it was sitting outside on the doorstep long before it got out (I ratherly move that fast).
Betty Manousos said…
..so sorry about your tooth, ellie!

lovely trunks!
looking forward to seeing what makes with it.

big hugs~
Dianna said…
Aw...hope that toothache turns out to not be anything too serious....I dislike dentist's visits too...
Rose said…
There is nothing worse than a toothache!

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