Strange Hairy Plants!!

Can you believe it is the 1st December today - I can't. Where did this year go?

I spotted these strange looking flowers, or whatever they are, on our walk on Sunday. I have no idea what they are - what do you think? They are not entirely attractive but there is something about them that I quite like. Isn't it amazing what you can find out there?

Sharing this with Deb 

On a side note  I thought I would mention the fantastic program we have been watching on the telly. It's called The Frozen Planet by David Attenborough. 
It's about the frozen wilderness of the Arctic and Antarctic - the camera work is amazing. If you get the chance you should try and catch itl


Bev said…
Would they be flowers gone to see? They are delightful!
LindyLouMac said…
Calling by as another this or that participant, I think these maybe clematis family seed heads. Here is the link to my recent photo, what do you think?
It's from the Clematis family Ellie and I'm loving that camera work on the Frozen Planet aswell.
Anonymous said…
I like them a lot! They look like they have hair. :)

I have David Attenborough's Planet Earth series - we've used them with our science lessons in our home school. I'll have to look for The Frozen Planet, I'm sure we would enjoy it.
Sheila said…
They are rather interesting , really love the second photo .
TexWisGirl said…
cute little mopheads!
Jill said…
They are really beautiful in a unique sort of way!
Karen said…
Dunno, but it looks like's a wigplant ;)
Betty Manousos said…
your shots are great!
cute plants, indeed.

happy thursday!
Rose said…
I am like Tex--I call them mopheads, and like you I quite like them. I thought they might be clematis, too...if they are on a vine, that is probably what they are.
Very interesting shots! I love these, they remind me of sheepdogs ;) Or something Seussical.

Have a lovely day! ;)
Diane said…
I was already to say it was from the clematis family but I see I am a bit slow :)) Diane
deb duty said…
I've never seen anything like these before. Really unusual!
Unknown said…
I'm sure I've seen these as a cartoon character somewhere, sometime.
Very cool.
And, I agree, they are clematis.
[when you don't deadhead the flower]
Anonymous said…
I don't know what they are, never seen them before, but I know what you mean that there's just something about them... kinda cool! LoL! =)
Lisa Gordon said…
I have never seen anything like these Ellie, but they sure are gorgeous! Love them!!
Pat MacKenzie said…
I thought the plants in the first picture looked like a stylized picture of a little white dog at a window. Guess my imagination was working overtime.
I am not sure what they are. I have never seen anything like this before. They look kind of strange whatever they are.
Paul Forster said…
Weird and wonderful. What planet do they come from?
Paul Forster said…
Weird and wonderful. What planet do they come from?
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Ellie,
Oh, how unusual and your photo is really clear and wonderful!!!
I admire the way you are taking advantage your walk and sharing us the wonders of the nature♡♡♡
Blessing to you, xoxo Orchid*
Sherri B. said…
What an amazing looking flower! They look like jute string...fascinating! You captured them beautifully.
Dianna said…
They remind me of a little frou-frou dog of some type! Very interesting! Wish someone could tell you what they are!
Kmcblackburn said…
Oh my goodness...that looks like something out of a "Harry Potter" movie!

I have no idea what they are, but they remind me of the muppets:-)
Anonymous said…
Very interesting, like something out of a Si-Fi movie. Cool capture.

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